Yuxiang Zhu (朱宇翔)

I am a master student at Software Institute, Nanjing University. Currently, I am working in Software Engineering Group, State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing. My supervisor is Prof. Dr. Minxue Pan. I am expected to graduate at June 2020. Prior to this, I received my bachelor degree in software engineering from Nanjing University in 2018.

Recently, my researches are mainly focused on natural language processing for software engineering, mining software repositories, code summarization. Also, I am broadly interested in all subfields of natural language processing, information retrieval and machine learning.


Until now, I don’t have any publication, but I’m working hard to make one.

Recently, two papers were released to arxiv.

Yuxiang Zhu and Minxue Pan, “Automatic Code Summarization: A Systematic Literature Review,” arXiv:1909.04352 [cs], Sept. 2019. [pdf]

Yuxiang Zhu, Minxue Pan, Yu Pei and Tian Zhang, “A Bug or a Suggestion? An Automatic Way to Label Issues,” arXiv:1909.00934 [cs], Sept. 2019. [pdf]

Please find more information about my research information at my CV.


  • Address: Nanjing Univ., 22 Hankou Road, Nanjing, China, 210093
  • Email: zyx [at] smail.nju.edu.cn